Today’s world is a very different place than just a few years ago. Today, we live in an ultra fast paced world with an abundance of everything from toothpaste to TV stations, computers to cars; the market place is filled with so many choices!
One major choice in people’s lives is a job or career. Gone are the days of reviewing the career section in the local paper. Today, people are inundated with digital job boards like Monster or Workopolis, and most relevant, social media sites like Linked In. For many businesses that have yet to get on the technology train, this poses a big problem… However, for others it’s a huge opportunity. It all depends on your company’s culture!
Today’s business owners must look at things differently if they want to keep and attract the brightest and best people along with customers.
Company Culture is an important, if not the most important component of any company’s success! You may have already heard it described as the only truly sustainable competitive advantage that cannot be duplicated.
“Culture” defined is the work environment and personality of an organization. It is a collection of values and norms that are shared by the people and groups that guide how they interact with one another and with the outside world.
Today, we at Roma Moulding strongly believe that culture is truly the most important competitive advantage we have. In the past, our competitors have copied our products, colors, and technologies and have even tried to take our best team members. Since the birth of our new company culture however, things have been very different.
Today, we are really clear that competitors can always hire away our best talent or catch up to our technology, and even copy our greatest products, but they cannot duplicate or replicate our beloved company culture. Our Roma Culture has truly been our biggest game changer to date!
Ask yourself: “What was your teams game changer in 2012?”